Case Study Word Clouds

The following word clouds were derived from interview data used to develop the MC3 case studies. Each word cloud shows the key concepts that emerged through the data for a respective community and displays these concepts by their relative strength (i.e., size). Grammatical words (i.e., prepositions, conjunctions, etc.) and text relating to the interview protocol were removed from the data set before developing the word clouds to ensure that the visualizations represent substantive, emergent content. Click on a word cloud to expand the image, and click on the case study title to access the study and learn more about local climate innovations.


Campbell River: From From Resource Dependent to Climate Resilient


The City of North Vancouver: Centering on Sustainability


The City of Dawson Creek: Moving toward Self-sufficiency


Eagle Island: Action Driven by the Community


Prince George: Planning through Partnership


City of Vancouver: A Mature City in Climate Action


T'Sou-ke First Nation: Leading the Way to Sustainability


Revelstoke: A Long History of Community Planning


Surrey: Addressing the Issue through the Lens of Sustainability


Carbon Neutral Kootenays: Realizing Collaborative Potential



Victoria: Integrating Climate Action within Broader Sustainability Goals